Be honest and nice to your clients, colleagues, suppliers, vendors and anyone who come across during your journey of contracting.
Get inspired, motivated and look for contacts that keep your stay motivated (You can find these contents in books, audiobooks and YouTube). Refer Pro Contract Jobs Get Motivate as a Contractor sections.
Set up a business phone number, business card and a website.
Network, network, network. Set up a well-maintained LinkedIn account and start collecting endorsements and recommendations.
Get the word out that you are looking for a contract work in your specialised area of business.
Find a mentor who contracted for more than 10 years. (well-seasoned contractor can share few tips to motivate yourself).
Share your CV and LinkedIn Profile with agencies and employers.
Be tenacious with the agencies. apply and call them daily.
Stay up-to-date with modern technologies and industry trends.
Get Memberships and professional accreditation.
Be responsive. Provide added value and always under promise and over deliver.
Build yourself a reputation by asking for feedbacks and recommendations from clients and agencies.